Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180441-180460 of all 180,554 gems.
180,435155qippetCreate beautify code snippet image.
180,435155standard-procedure-plumbingAn event pipeline
180,435155nectoReserved package
180,435155omniauth-printfulPrintful strategy for OmniAuth
180,445154titlecaserUses standard title casing rules to titleize strings
180,445154gem-jrubyJust visit the HOMEPAGE to the gem source.
180,445154google-cloud-security_posture-v1Placeholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-security_posture-v1. This p...
180,445154rspec_query_counterKeeps track of the number and type of queries in your RSpec tests and provides a summar...
180,445154instructor-rbExplore the power of LLM structured extraction in Ruby with the Instructor gem.
180,445154google-cloud-security_posturePlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-security_posture. This plac...
180,451153sctechnicalchallengeSearch client data with different parameters
180,451153footgunComming soon...
180,451153jekyll-autoprefixer-v2This plugin provides simple autoprefixer support for Jekyll.
180,451153anusanus gem.
180,451153mr_odiaits a language for odia by a rubist
180,451153fool_encryptionTo fool the fool!
180,451153regorusrbplaceholder reserving namespace
180,451153raix-railsRuby AI eXtensions for Rails
180,459152raixRuby AI eXtensions
180,459152studio_game_bswiftThis is a game gem from the Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course