Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142061-142080 of all 180,872 gems.
142,0543,578jetbrains-oss-jekyll-themeJetBrains Jekyll theme for open-source projects
142,0543,578balboa-clientEnables the ability to send metrics to existing Balboa consumers.
142,0543,578rueruby executor
142,0543,578davetron5000-rtmclient to access the Remember The Milk API
142,0543,578gem_minitestWrite a longer description or delete this line.
142,0543,578pry-hierGiven an class or module name hier command shows an ascii tree (similar to the tree she...
142,0543,578divaiA gem tells you how to say hello in different languages: Vietnamese, French, Spanis...
142,0543,578t_rexGem to make connections to and queries against Metasaurus
142,0543,578ipscriptablesRuby-driven IPTables
142,0543,578scoresCheck sports scores from the terminal
142,0543,578ilove-tracingOpentracing plugins to instrument rails, twirp_rails, faraday, active_record.
142,0543,578pure-place-railsThis is Yahoo's Pure CSS framework, but with sass placeholders instead of basic css. It...
142,0543,578factor-connector-pagerdutyPagerDuty Connector
142,0543,578codetocustomer-twitterwrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)
142,0543,578xcassets_exporterxcassets exporter
142,0543,578prodAPI integration test framework and testing DSL
142,0543,578wechat-auth_clientSimple WeChat OAuth Client
142,0543,578grape-cookiesAdds Rails like cookie support to grape api
142,0543,578voteable-unaiUnai's voting gem.