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142101-142120 of all 180,702 gems.
142,0833,559walrus-rbUses the actual JavaScript implementation of walrus.js, but supports using Ruby objects...
142,0833,559voteable_kenta voting gem for tealeaf academy
142,0833,559sorta-httpWrite a longer description or delete this line.
142,0833,559sec_configtool which should help you to maintain various key-value based data for your rails project
142,0833,559cms_mathijskingmaawesome_gem is the best
142,0833,559pkp_physicsPKP::Physics module; Uses 'Prior Knowledge' as needed.
142,0833,559tiniesDescription of Tinies.
142,1083,558interAn easy and simple way to keep track of interactions on an ActiveRecord model that woul...
142,1083,558progress_downloadSimple customisable progress bar for downloading in Ruby.
142,1083,558ensconceWraps connections to Personal Data Stores, to allow data stores to changed. For example...
142,1083,558mgd_moneyA simple gem to enable conversion between different currencies
142,1083,558jetbrains-oss-jekyll-themeJetBrains Jekyll theme for open-source projects
142,1083,558kitnahuatodo: Write a gem description
142,1083,558hola_z15014amA simple hellow world gem
142,1083,558fluent-plugin-docker_image_nameOutput the name of the image for a given docker container_id
142,1083,558cm_conversionThis gem is aimed to convert centimeters to other scales.
142,1083,558health_calculatorHealthCaluclator : calucalate your health data :)
142,1083,558rl_hiya_rbbTesting the ability to build a gem
142,1083,558covalentRuby orchestration framework for HashiCorp based deployment pipelines.
142,1083,558namararaA library and tools for parsing boolean expressions. It could be especially useful in...