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Most downloads over all time
143801-143820 of all 180,643 gems.
143,7933,480bytemanAllows simple transformation of data into hex strings, hexdigest strings, integer byte ...
143,7933,480notify-makers-comNotify Makers - makes message everywhere.
143,7933,480culturecode-state_machineAdds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
143,7933,480t-bagA framework for implementing domain-specific languages for text-based adventure games.
143,7933,480xls_reporterExport data to Excel file. Iterate in a collection and map values in each row to fill E...
143,7933,480test_gem_supA simple hello world gem
143,7933,480mockingjayLet your data define your fixtures for you
143,7933,480esumitra-test_offA library for Behavior Driven Development of VBA code
143,7933,480voteable_jessiemy first gem ever
143,8103,479tom_extractExtract TomDoc from a source file
143,8103,479neocitizenToolkit for creating sites on
143,8103,479karel-interpreterA ruby-based Karel interpreter
143,8103,479ngerpinA wtf hello world gem
143,8103,479foobarac5this's foobar
143,8103,479pay24Adds the ability to work with the payment system pay24.
143,8103,479simple_patternVery simple and plain pattern matching library for Ruby
143,8103,479jekyll-responsive-magickA Jekyll plugin for responsive images. Adds filters for setting the srcset, width and h...
143,8103,479dreadpiratepj-poolpartyRun your entire application off EC2, managed and auto-scaling