Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
143861-143880 of all 180,530 gems.
143,8543,467seminarA simple hello world gem
143,8543,467yadminYet Another Admin for Rails
143,8543,467bytemanAllows simple transformation of data into hex strings, hexdigest strings, integer byte ...
143,8543,467notify-makers-comNotify Makers - makes message everywhere.
143,8543,467multi_translateA library which allows to translate a text between two languages and using multiple tra...
143,8543,467calc_dongqsSimple calculator without nagative number support
143,8543,467macournoyer-invisibleInvisible is like a giant robot combining the awesomeness of Rails, Merb, Camping and S...
143,8543,467mtg-apiMagic: The Gathering Ruby Client
143,8543,467puttfsA debugging tool that helps make your `puts` statements more visible.
143,8543,467super_votesA gem that enables voting function in rails project
143,8543,467astropayAstropay API client.
143,8733,466robut-eightballAn 8ball plugin for robut
143,8733,466karel-interpreterA ruby-based Karel interpreter
143,8733,466documentcloud-calaisA Ruby interface to the Calais Web Service
143,8733,466feedbacksContact us jquery-ui dialog window. Feedback is saving in the database ...
143,8733,466yugioh-bgmplay yugioh bgm
143,8733,466practice_gemFor practice only, doesn't really do much
143,8733,466omniauth-surveymonkey-oauth2SurveyMonkey strategy for SSO using OmniAuth framework
143,8733,466taq_simple_calendarSimple calendar gem for Rails