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144541-144560 of all 180,702 gems.
144,5343,457safely_backPrevents link_to :back from including any non URLs as a href
144,5343,457cl-adminSimple administration framework.
144,5343,457jbasdf-jbasdf-acts_as_solrThis plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apach...
144,5343,457neat_bourbon_railsThe Waterfall standard UI.
144,5343,457wildfireUses computer vision to cut objects from images.
144,5343,457dragon_translatorA Translator gem for translating english to malayalam
144,5343,457newcombGenerate random numbers that adhere to Benford's Law
144,5343,457rom-authProvides low-level authentication based on ROM. Provides several plugins in order to lo...
144,5343,457set_of_rangesA subclass of Set that attempts to merge overlapping or adjacent Range values.
144,5343,457str_methods_djungstTeaching publishing gems
144,5343,457guard-bloggerGuard plugin for updating Blogger templates using Capybara/Selenium Webdriver.
144,5343,457ruby-oisA ruby binding for OIS.
144,5343,457rlh_test_gemA gem to explain how to make gems
144,5343,457jekyll-retrospectJust a cool, modern landing page to showcase whatever it is you're about.
144,5343,457ractorRactor utilities.
144,5343,457DTA_readerReader for iTNC530 Oscilloscope *.dta files
144,5343,457smart_payRuby library for handling Barclaycard Smartpay requests and responses
144,5343,457fluent-plugin-scalyr-threadedSends log data collected by fluentd to Scalyr (
144,5343,457qiita_nekosogi_stockerQiita::NekosogiStocker stocks specific user's all articles..
144,5603,456gaku_imexImporters and Exporters for GAKU Engine