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144621-144640 of all 180,534 gems.
144,6193,438Complementary_ColorCreate complementary colors based on a given color.
144,6193,438eventickEventick Oficial API Gem
144,6193,438nws-alertObtain weather alerts from NOAA. Look up information by zip code or state.
144,6193,438ruboty-nullporuboty plugin for ぬるぽ ガッ.
144,6193,438greglu-solr-rubysolr-ruby exposes the power of Solr as a Ruby DSL (domain specific language).
144,6193,438vocalooMake string more expresive and fun
144,6193,438vvlad-rack-ext-directRack::Ext::Direct it's an implementation of Ext.Direct specification draft for Rack and...
144,6193,438jekyll-responsive-magickA Jekyll plugin for responsive images. Adds filters for setting the srcset, width and h...
144,6193,438extraterrestrialUsers can download challenges and submit their solutions via the command-line interface.
144,6193,438pay_simpleMultiformat paysimple api integration
144,6193,438fireworksFaster EBS prewarming via running multiple dds in parallel
144,6193,438cayenneA Spicy Gem
144,6193,438bitcoin_tickerWrapper for cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin) price tickers.
144,6193,438everythingbehind-gem-thisMake existing code into a gem, without any fuss.
144,6193,438rails_wipeA rake task for Rails to truncate your database.
144,6193,438domoscio_rails_localDescription of DomoscioRails.
144,6383,437freebase-themeA barebone Jekyll theme.
144,6383,437WatersOfOblivion-niceidsA Rails plugin for user-friendly ids
144,6383,437gladiatorSuper-simple testing library for Ruby