Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
145081-145100 of all 182,853 gems.
145,0723,560json_routes_webpackCOnvert Ruby on Rails routes to webpack js-route-loader format and export to a json file.
145,0723,560leap_yearleap year checker
145,0723,560fluidsurveysFluidSurveys V3 API wrapper
145,0723,560foghornDeploy to the cloud
145,0723,560drawerdGenerate erd for rails, usiing rails-erd and service.
145,0723,560fluent-plugin-remove-emptyFluentd plugin to remove empty fields of a event record
145,0723,560aescryptorEncrypt or decrypt using AES Encryption.
145,0723,560css_compressorA Ruby gem for compressing CSS files
145,0723,560jquery_context_menu-rails4This gem provides jQuery-contextMenufor your Rails application. (jQuery-contextMenu so...
145,0723,560camaleon_post_order: Description of CamaleonPostOrder.
145,0723,560stlgenSTL generator.
145,0723,560xls_reporterExport data to Excel file. Iterate in a collection and map values in each row to fill E...
145,0723,560mech_warriorSpider a web host with many mechanize agents concurrently, and generate an asset JSON ...
145,0943,559distribot-uiWeb UI for Distribot
145,0943,559fullcirclegroup-prawnPrawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby.
145,0943,559elliottcable-slackMagic makes everybody's life a little easier, no?
145,0943,559yamlrYamlr is a minimal YAML parser written in Ruby.
145,0943,559evaryont-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
145,0943,559foca-beaconSimple and straightforward observers for your code
145,0943,559mysql_max_valueProvide MySQL max values like integer max.