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145061-145080 of all 180,702 gems.
145,0593,436my_string_extend_hmkadds a method writesize and returns its size
145,0593,436rand_ttrand ttt.
145,0593,436tog_caesar# Odin Caesar Cipher This repository is a solution to the [Odin Caesar Cipher](https:/...
145,0593,436resque-timelySet time limits on Resque jobs per Job class.
145,0593,436limited_actiondefine action only run limited condition
145,0593,436fractious-http_status_exceptionsClean up your controller code by raising exceptions that generate responses with differ...
145,0593,436matrixmorpheusLawrence Fishburn proposes a mind bending question
145,0593,436dailyrepThis is Ruby App collects the information you need (currency, new torrents, etc) from v...
145,0593,436stopoverGenerate static pages with the asset pipeline on Rails.
145,0593,436jsoneurGeneral purpose JSON API client
145,0593,436vertableDisplay list of strings in a vertically-sorted table, similar to ls
145,0593,436nmax1000It sorts whole integers from sdtin
145,0593,436homerunStep by step context mutation
145,0593,436sandstormThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
145,0593,436gogogoGenerate one super-charged Ruby file to quickly test ideas.
145,0593,436omniauth-aquaOmniAuth strategy for
145,0593,436harukizaemon-drupal_fuRuby on Rails Models and Helpers for integrating with Drupal.
145,0783,435jObjectjObject is a gem for parsing json objects into usable ruby obejcts
145,0783,435zerodogg-phpdocrA simple way to access PHP documentation from the command-line
145,0783,435joddEscapes carriage returns, and single and double quotes.