Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
146021-146040 of all 180,702 gems.
146,0143,398applauseYet Another Command Line Option Parser
146,0143,398prettydocs_railsPrettyDocs by 3rd Wave Media adapted for Ruby on Rails.
146,0143,398pedalboardQuick and easy prototyping for Arduino-based MIDI pedalboards
146,0143,398jsanders-ruportRuby Reports is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less tedious...
146,0143,398ga_dashboardImporting Google Analytics Dashboard into your rails application
146,0143,398rack_mem_profSam Saffron's memory profiler made up as a rack middleware that writes reports to tmp f...
146,0143,398underscore_string_railsMake Underscore.string available in the Rails asset pipeline.
146,0143,398henrik-fuzzy_file_finderan implementation of TextMate's cmd-T search functionality
146,0143,398cenit-collection-baseBase code to build Cenit Collection
146,0143,398cellcomMore info here:
146,0143,398selective_inspectSimple gem to allow to customize the output of the inspect methods
146,0143,398query_copAllows rails/rspec users to test against number of queries on any given action/block
146,0143,398omniauth-workosOmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for the WorkOS platform
146,0143,398doubleoptinRails Engine for collecting subscribers to a mailing list
146,0143,398eric-feedzirraA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan...
146,0143,398image_size_optimizerimage_size_optimizer is the gem to optimize your image size by reducing the quality, so...
146,0143,398pointillistPointillist converts Atom stylesheets for use by Ruby, as a replacement to Pygments.
146,0143,398pdsphil-ruby-whatcountsThis library allows you to send a message using the WhatCounts HTTP API. It uses the On...
146,0403,397webget-enumerable_extendRuby Enumerable base class extensions