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Most downloads over all time
146061-146080 of all 180,689 gems.
146,0433,394studio_game_ssmytheThis is all from the Pragmatic Studios Ruby Programming Course.
146,0433,394simplecov-messageDisplay red or green message for whether SimpleCov coverage minimum was met.
146,0433,394ipcryptRuby implementation of the format-preserving IPCrypt encryption algorithm for IPv4 addr...
146,0643,393cheapsharkCheapShark aggregates sales from PC game stores.
146,0643,393lita-daysSometimes you want to know how many days it is from today
146,0643,393jason_lizarraga_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
146,0643,393youpy-net-twitter-statusThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
146,0643,393ExamSimpleGema de realizacion de examenes tipo test
146,0643,393learn_gem_publishingA simple wonderful mygem
146,0643,393blockrblockr is a commandline line tool to help you easily block websites, and unblock them w...
146,0643,393yugui-chkbuildgemified version of akr's chkbuild - a robust continuous building system
146,0643,393stringify_floatWork around poor floating point support with RubyMotion and Core Data
146,0643,393voteablizeA cool gem for making models voteable.
146,0643,393cocoro-mqttThis is a bridge exposing your Cocoro Air compatible devices on MQTT. Not affiliated wi...
146,0643,393rockstar-rubyRockstar-Ruby transpiler gem
146,0643,393jberkel-solriumA JRuby integration layer for Apache Solr/Lucene with a focus on irb integration.
146,0643,393to_alnumWrite a longer description or delete this line.
146,0643,393with_uidGenerate customizable uid for your ActiveRecord models