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Most downloads over all time
147901-147920 of all 180,488 gems.
147,8993,309thewoolleyman-webgenwebgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can ...
147,8993,309rubocop-semanticsCops that check for meaningless and misleading names in code
147,8993,309nate-browser_cmsA Content Management System for Rails
147,8993,309staugaard-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for Active...
147,8993,309kafka_syrupA high level Kafka client that supports producer, low level consumers, and high level c...
147,8993,309sprockets-require_moduleSprockets directive require_module to keep a list of assets outside a sprocket manifest...
147,8993,309serverspec-clcRSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else
147,8993,309spanx-clientAPI Client for connecting to spanx.
147,8993,309wechat-testAPI and message handling for wechat in rails environment
147,8993,309dustbin_lorryDustbinLorry is Rack middleware that inspects the method cache ...
147,8993,309rails_memory_bloatActionController method to log per-request bloat and ActiveRecord instantiation breakdown
147,8993,309jayzes-adapter_extensionsProvides various extensions to the Rails ActiveRecord adapters. Forked to force gem bu...
147,8993,309raktrRaktr is a simple, lightweight, pure-Ruby implementation of the Reactor pattern, ma...
147,8993,309purlocationExample: BRNG => Beering Hall
147,8993,309capistrano-six_pmDo you really want to deploy after six? Don't you have any kind of life after work?
147,8993,309jorahood-ar-extensionsExtends ActiveRecord functionality by adding better finder/query support, as well as su...
147,8993,309joshuaclayton-paranoiaParanoid models
147,8993,309melo-chitChit is A command line tool for cheat sheet utility based on git.