Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147921-147940 of all 180,488 gems.
147,8993,309mrflip-pickleEasy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
147,8993,309parolkar-cache-moneyCache utilities.
147,8993,309mlooney-multipart-postUse with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts. IO values that have #content_type, #ori...
147,8993,309delegate_to_instanceHelper for single purpose objects
147,8993,309sidekiq-cancellable-workerCancel Sidekiq workers at runtime
147,9263,308midas-g_nested_selectA Guilded ( Rails component that generates ...
147,9263,308check_urlRuby Library for validating urls in Rails and Javascript in front end
147,9263,308jbarnette-intercessionYour session loves you. Treat her like a lady.
147,9263,308user_friendly_idMake long integer ids pretty, short and less confusing by shortening via conversion to ...
147,9263,308killian-killian-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
147,9263,308leoboiko-chou_unidecodeSomeday this might be a context-aware preprocessing wrapper for unidecode. As of now, ...
147,9263,308jbe-NestRuby YAML file tree object wrapper
147,9263,308linkingpaths-aleaalea is a tiny gem that aim to bring some aleatory behavior to ruby Kernel.
147,9263,308CocoaPodWingsEfficiency improvement for iOS modular development with cocoa pods.
147,9263,308tyler-bloom_filterFast Bloom filter in C and Ruby.
147,9263,308domathA simple math gem
147,9263,308localshred-track-rtrack-r is a library that provides wrapper classes and methods for accessing PivotalTra...
147,9263,308gopsengnot working
147,9263,308pager-validates_as_email_addressGemified validates_as_email_address plugin
147,9263,308hammer_cli_foreman_rh_cloudForeman Rh Cloud plugin for Hammer CLI