Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149021-149040 of all 180,671 gems.
148,9983,291saberma-saberma-activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-nvarchar2Oracle enhanced adapter for ActiveRecord (change varchar2 to nvarchar2)
148,9983,291metade-activerdf_reddyAn ActiveRDF RDFLite adapter based on Reddy, a Ruby RDF library
148,9983,291capistrano-runit-resqueCapistrano3 tasks for manage resque via runit supervisor.
148,9983,291jekyll-aspect-ratioThis plugin enables the use of a custom Liquid tag {% aspectratio filepath %}, to find ...
148,9983,291tinymce-active-adminThis is a gem that adds tiny-mce 3.5 to rails 4 app.
148,9983,291jeffrafter-feedzirraA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan...
149,0283,290forest_admin_agentForest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. This gem mak...
149,0283,290urlbenchmarkTool to measure load-speed of url
149,0283,290fixture_list_generatorA gem to generate a fixture list from a list of IDs
149,0283,290bukola_palindromeIt helps find out if a word/sentence is a palindrome
149,0283,290ruboty-qandaAn ruboty handler to call Docomo QandA API.
149,0283,290gastarbeiterCheap workers for your Beanstalk tubes
149,0283,290side_by_sideRun and control processes.
149,0283,290jtzemp-poolpartyRun your entire application off EC2, managed and auto-scaling
149,0283,290simply-bootstrap3simply-bootstrap3 packages the bootstrap.js and bootstrap.css plugin for rails asset pi...
149,0283,290webcheckCheck whether your project is ready for the WWW by scanning for common files, such as f...
149,0283,290killbill-bitpayKill Bill payment plugin for Bitpay.
149,0283,290themerAdd support for multiple color themes in your Rails app. Themer uses CSS variables to m...
149,0283,290json_schema_clientJson Schema Client is a Ruby client for JsonSchema with validation and hypermedia.