Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148961-148980 of all 180,689 gems.
148,9583,294ds-ci_reporter_test_unitNOTE: This is a fork of ci-reporter/ci_reporter_test_unit
148,9583,294oortle-yajl-rubyRuby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.
148,9583,294sabat-rudyRudy: Not your grandparents' EC2 deployment tool.
148,9583,294eldr-assetsAsset tag helpers for Eldr apps and Rack Apps
148,9583,294wfqSimple ruby program to count the word frequency in a file.
148,9583,294yistThis is a mini util for working with yi-camera folder
148,9583,294rlimitRetrieve and adjust rlimits
148,9583,294ant_colonySimple implementation ant colony optimization algorithm.
148,9583,294peterseverin-java_propertiesA class that can read and write to Java properties files that behaves otherwise as a st...
148,9583,294simple_iuguIugu Gem
148,9583,294pinboard_toolsAuto-tagger with embedly support, safari reading list importer, dead link remover
148,9583,294mattmueller-twibotTwibot (pronounced like "Abbot"), is a Ruby microframework for creating Twitter bots, h...
148,9583,294tucubitpago de bitcoins en pesos
148,9583,294strdesA simple string encryption and decryption gem
148,9583,294kissifer-utilsLibrary of potentially useful stuff that I haven't (yet) found elsewhere
148,9583,294google_simple_apiGoogleSimpleApi is a wrapper for Google APIs that makes it easy to access and receive d...
148,9583,294miletbaker-decimalizerCreate virtualised decimal attributes for a monetary value stored as an int pence / cents.
148,9583,294cocoapods-developA CocoaPods plugin for easily working with development pods.
148,9583,294qabotTHIS GEM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT STAGE. Find documentation here:
148,9583,294jeroenvandijk-rack-bugDebugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware