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Most downloads over all time
149661-149680 of all 180,702 gems.
149,6553,274snaWrite a longer description. Optional.
149,6553,274validates_not_shoutingTo prevent noobs from being uber noobs
149,6553,274embulk-plugin-filter-convertEmbulk Fileter Plugin Convert
149,6553,274schlick-schlick-pickleEasy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
149,6553,274tumasmsRuby on Rails Wrapper for Tumasms gateway
149,6553,274questionable_answersMakes it easy to add and edit forms programatically, specifying select, radio, checkbox...
149,6553,274simonc-ghostAllows you to create, list, and modify .local hostnames in 10.5 with ease
149,6553,274perfectline-rack-bugDebugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware
149,6553,274fluent-plugin-sqs-check-sizeAmazon SQS input/output plugin for Fluent event collector
149,6553,274traveling_bosh_cli_pluginAfter installing Traveling BOSH CLI, this plugin is included for easy upgrades.
149,6553,274sunny-wubmailSend emails with an ERB template as well as CSV files.
149,6553,274revo-acts_as_auditedActs as audited
149,6553,274star_warsStar Wars meets Ruby
149,6553,274rhyhann-merb_stathyc_sliceMerb Slice that provides core static pages functionnalities
149,6553,274whats_onFlatiron Shcool project for a CLI Data scraping gem
149,6553,274rughetto-merb-auth-slice-password-resetMerb Slice that adds basic password-reset functionality to merb-auth-based merb applica...
149,6553,274perfectline-locale-routingA library for configuring/parsin locales from url params or hostname for I18n.
149,6793,273rtomayko-rack-contribContributed Rack Middleware and Utilities
149,6793,273time_reportTime reporting gem for plain text todos