Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149741-149760 of all 180,530 gems.
149,7173,256rails_sandboxset up a protective sandbox for database transactions
149,7173,256ruby-grooveFFI bindings to libgroove
149,7173,256yle-newrelic_api_v2New Relic API v2 implementation for Ruby
149,7173,256seven1m-acts_as_photoUber simple Rails plugin giving a model a single attached photo per record.
149,7173,256lifftA tool simple too for uploading Xliffs to GetLocalization
149,7173,256working_classWorking Class is a todolist syntax that aims at makingit dead simple to write tasks in ...
149,7173,256contentful-middleman-pagesCreate pages in middleman using data imported with contentful_middleman
149,7173,256middleman-fragment-cachingA Middleman fragment caching extension like Rails
149,7503,255reserveAn object caching library for Redis.
149,7503,255hasselhoffHoff up your desktop.
149,7503,255rmm5t-pacecarGenerated scopes for ActiveRecord classes.
149,7503,255ryanb-render-cachingCache render calls in Rails controllers.
149,7503,255ryanb-thinking_sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
149,7503,255theill-twitter4rA clean Twitter client API in pure Ruby. Will include Twitter add-ons also in Ruby.
149,7503,255thomaspeklak-filefinderFinds files in directory and filters files through filters
149,7503,255simplegridGemified SimpleGrid:
149,7503,255pezra-cucumberExecutable Feature scenarios