Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150221-150240 of all 180,702 gems.
150,1953,253safis-safis-loggingLogging made just a little bit easier.
150,1953,253sensu-installThe Sensu Ruby Plugin installer
150,1953,253gocyashuffle library.
150,2253,252itamae-plugin-recipe-atomPlugin to support the Atom for Itamae
150,2253,252hikkoshi-ghostGhost processor for Hikkoshi the Blog Moving Tool
150,2253,252hola_oleA simple hello world gem
150,2253,252mcpartyA simple api wrapper for MailChimp using HTTParty
150,2253,252counterstringA simple library and binary for generating counterstrings.
150,2253,252codebreakerqGame `Codebreaker`
150,2253,252lean_motionMake it more easy to use LeanCloud SDK in RubyMotion. Inspired by ParseModel.
150,2253,252sluggable_cullenAllows for creating URL slugs.
150,2253,252contact_sysRuby client library for the Contact Payment System API
150,2253,252ip_address_serializerActiveRecord Serializer to be allow the storage of a CIDR IP Address in a String Field
150,2253,252reddavis-mlpMulti-Layer Perceptron Neural Network in Ruby
150,2253,252skanev-searchlogicSearchlogic provides common named scopes and object based searching for ActiveRecord.
150,2253,252webloginweblogin helper
150,2253,252xcode-result-bundle-processorxcode-result-bundle-processor converts Xcode test result bundles into friendly HTML rep...