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Most downloads over all time
150161-150180 of all 180,534 gems.
150,1453,240sparkle-pack-aws-amisSparklePack to provide mappings for Official Amazon and Ubuntu AMIs by region
150,1453,240sumo-uyHandles communication to a sumo server, and provides a starting point for implementing ...
150,1453,240testecarlosWrite a longer description. Optional.
150,1453,240smartphone_finder-cliPhones Specifications CLI App via scraping data online from
150,1453,240pomelo-citrus-protocolpomelo-citrus-protocol is a simple clone of pomelo-protocol, this gem is empty now and ...
150,1453,240nirvdrum-lessLESS is leaner CSS
150,1453,240scottbarr-sms_xchangeRuby client for the service.
150,1453,240voteablle_jiaqifor convinience
150,1453,240purzelrakete-minia ruby eventmachine bot inspired by richard jones' irccat. interact via netcat, irc or ...
150,1453,240sirestasiRESTa is a DSL for declarative REST APIs. It can generate a ruby API (w/ sinatra) an...
150,1453,240longjumpJump to URI's deep inside applications.
150,1453,240phoet-idgasHelper for handling nil-calls.
150,1453,240robaman-hellogemhellogem is a gem that outputs Hello world.
150,1453,240gd_duraflameGenerate pisg (Perl IRC Statistics Generator) stats on Campfire conversations
150,1453,240mfdThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
150,1453,240fetch_nestedAllows you to search for a key within nested hashes and return the value. Returns nil i...
150,1453,240slillibri-cassandraA Ruby client for Cassandra.
150,1783,239vagrant-localrsyncdebUses a local rsync.deb file instead of apt-get to install rsync on Debian
150,1783,239models_statsGraphics for your rails models with MetricsGraphics.js and NVD3. It may show count(or a...
150,1783,239johncoryk_palindromeGem that dectects if phrase, string, or integer is a palindrom.