Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
151541-151560 of all 180,643 gems.
151,5413,187undo-managerundo-manager makes it easy to add undo/redo functionality to a Ruby (on Rails) app.
151,5413,187activerecord-find_duplicatesEasily find all duplicate records)
151,5413,187voteable_abuckinghamA gem that contains voteable module logic
151,5413,187ocr_challengeThis gem allows you to parse text blobs to find names, email addresses, and phone numbers
151,5413,187dnd-namerRandom item and Heroku-ish name generator that uses D&D classes and races.
151,5413,187ruboty-appearGenerate video chat room on via Ruboty
151,5413,187wordpresstrano-extExtra tasks and features for the WordPresstrano gem
151,5413,187formantMinimalist form object implementation.
151,5413,187voteable_victor_apr2016Simple voting gem uploaded as part of a project.
151,5413,187result_objectResultObject help to return simple smart result objects from another objects.
151,5413,187etcd-leaderSimple minimalistic library to provide reliable leadership election for your distribute...
151,5413,187authentic-imageImage client for Authentic Apps
151,5413,187azeroth_fakerFaker for data from the Warcraft Universe
151,5413,187rake_on_rackThe power of Rake, behind Rack
151,5413,187jieshun-parking捷顺停车场 API, 非官方, Provided by 小可乐科技
151,5413,187spine-countriesList of countries
151,5413,187motion-localizeThis is RubyMotion plugin which provides commands to perform automatic localization.
151,5413,187sinatra-template_metricsInstrument sinatra template rendering