Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
151561-151580 of all 180,518 gems.
151,5483,176spf_parseSearch and retrieve SPF records for any number of hosts
151,5483,176scribedownMarkdown for report writing
151,5483,176deployr_clientDeployR Client
151,5483,176svenpire_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
151,5483,176jswanner-carrierwaveUpload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...
151,5483,176rottendeskRuby client for Freshdesk that uses the JSON API of Freshdesk
151,5483,176heroku-postgresRuby library for interacting with Heroku Postgres.
151,5683,175puppet-lint-halyardChecks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any...
151,5683,175formalinGem for adding dynamic forms to Rails model
151,5683,175opdbA ruby api-wrapper for the open pinball database
151,5683,175assets-publisher-for-hanamiFramework to define and publish assets on your Hanami application.
151,5683,175lambdagateManagement tool for Amazon API Gateway and Amazon Lambda.
151,5683,175riemann-tools-fbUtilities which submit events to Riemann.
151,5683,175waterspoterGem to wrap API
151,5683,175haulCreate your own pull request GitHub bot with ease
151,5683,175eric_dogeifyThis tutorial gem turns text into doge speak
151,5683,175voteable_dafnathe best voting gem
151,5683,175validbotcontextual validations for controllers and wanna learn to do other stuff good too
151,5683,175xqueue_rubyPull interface to Open edX XQueue