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Most downloads over all time
180401-180420 of all 180,488 gems.
180,395146nectoReserved package
180,395146titlecaserUses standard title casing rules to titleize strings
180,403145regorusrbplaceholder reserving namespace
180,403145sctechnicalchallengeSearch client data with different parameters
180,403145anusanus gem.
180,403145jammJamm help you make payment without credit cards
180,403145gem-jrubyJust visit the HOMEPAGE to the gem source.
180,403145raix-railsRuby AI eXtensions for Rails
180,410144raixRuby AI eXtensions
180,410144google-apis-discoveryengine_v1This is the simple REST client for Discovery Engine API V1. Simple REST clients are Rub...
180,410144modspecLibrary to work with OGC ModSpec.
180,410144release_stageA small gem for checking whether you're on staging, production etc.
180,410144footgunComming soon...
180,410144system_commandRun external process as if they were functions.
180,410144jekyll-asset-path-tag-pluginIt's... mesmerizing.
180,410144fool_encryptionTo fool the fool!
180,410144rspec_query_counterKeeps track of the number and type of queries in your RSpec tests and provides a summar...
180,410144embulk-input-trino-jdbcTrino JDBC input plugin for Embulk loads records from Trino
180,410144sdksio-apimatic-sdkthe package contains the SDKS for all the endpoints available on : https://docs.apimati...