Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2781-2800 of all 184,353 gems.
2,7813,605payment_iconsMountable rails engine which loads assets (svg files of payment icons) and provides a f...
2,7823,592judoscale-rubyAutoscaling for Ruby.
2,7833,589database_cleaner-redisStrategies for cleaning databases using Redis. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ...
2,7843,585damerau-levenshteinThis gem implements pure Levenshtein algorithm, Damerau modification (where 2 character...
2,7853,583spring-commands-rubocopRuboCop command for Spring
2,7863,574windows_errorThe WindowsError gem provides an easily accessible reference for ...
2,7873,572chargehoundAutomatically fight disputes
2,7883,571cells-railsConvenient Rails support for Cells.
2,7893,568vcardVcard extracted from Vpim
2,7893,568rbzip2Various bzip2 implementations for Ruby.
2,7913,565pluck_to_hashExtend ActiveRecord pluck to return hash instead of an array. Useful when plucking mult...
2,7923,562minimaA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
2,7933,559albaAlba is the fastest JSON serializer for Ruby. It focuses on performance, flexibility an...
2,7943,547apollo-federationA Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation
2,7953,545model_attributeAttributes for non-ActiveRecord models. Smaller and simpler than Virtus, and adds d...
2,7963,544defaceDeface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails ap...
2,7973,543turbo_powerPower-pack for Turbo Streams
2,7983,542judoscale-railsAutoscaling for Ruby on Rails applications.
2,7993,536google-cloud-logging-v2The Cloud Logging API lets you programmatically read and write log entries, set up excl...
2,8003,534omniauth-appleOmniAuth strategy for Sign In with Apple