Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2821-2840 of all 183,690 gems.
2,8212,622azure_mgmt_storageMicrosoft Azure Storage Management Client Library for Ruby
2,8212,622holiday_jpJapanese Holidays from 1970 to 2050.
2,8232,620test-unit-rrYou don't need RR setup codes with test-unit-rr. You just require "test/unit/rr".
2,8242,616google-apis-analytics_v3This is the simple REST client for Google Analytics API V3. Simple REST clients are Rub...
2,8242,616attr_jsonActiveRecord attributes stored serialized in a json column, super smooth. Typed and cas...
2,8262,614openssl-ccmRuby Gem for RFC 3610 - Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)
2,8262,614yui-compressorA Ruby interface to YUI Compressor for minifying JavaScript and CSS assets.
2,8282,613progressShow progress of long running tasks
2,8292,612sprockets-helpersAsset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications
2,8302,611carrierwave-mongoidMongoid support for CarrierWave
2,8312,609slackistranoSend notifications to Slack about Capistrano deployments.
2,8322,606image_optimCommand line tool and ruby interface to optimize (lossless compress, optionally lossy) ...
2,8332,598whois-parserWhois Parser is a WHOIS parser written in pure Ruby. It can parse and convert responses...
2,8332,598ajax-datatables-railsA wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side p...
2,8332,598nestyNested exception support for Ruby
2,8362,594activerecord7-redshift-adapter-pennylaneAmazon Redshift adapter for ActiveRecord 7.x.
2,8372,592logstash-output-scalyrSends log data collected by Logstash to Scalyr (https://www.scalyr.com)
2,8382,590mongoid-grid_fsA pure Mongoid/Moped implementation of the MongoDB GridFS specification
2,8392,589extlz4unofficial ruby bindings for LZ4 .
2,8402,588ruby-filemagicRuby bindings to the magic(4) library