Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
2861-2880 of all 184,353 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
2,861 | 3,331 | sql_spy | A gem to track all SQL queries performed inside a block of code |
2,862 | 3,330 | ci_reporter_rspec | Connects CI::Reporter to RSpec |
2,863 | 3,326 | reform-rails | Automatically load and include all common Reform features for a standard Rails environm... |
2,864 | 3,315 | scimitar | SCIM v2 support for Users and Groups in Ruby On Rails |
2,865 | 3,306 | rubystats | Ruby Stats is a port of the statistics libraries from PHPMath. Probability distribution... |
2,866 | 3,302 | syntax_tree-rbs | Syntax Tree support for RBS |
2,867 | 3,300 | after_commit_action | Use this module to defer actions to the after-commit hook. This is useful if you want t... |
2,868 | 3,293 | inspec-core | InSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i... |
2,869 | 3,291 | logstash-output-opensearch | This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe... |
2,870 | 3,290 | coveralls_reborn | A Ruby implementation of the Coveralls API. |
2,870 | 3,290 | codecov | Hosted code coverage Ruby reporter. |
2,872 | 3,286 | fixtury | Treat fixtures like factories and factories like fixtures |
2,872 | 3,286 | sql_enum | Enable using native sql enums |
2,874 | 3,281 | slackistrano | Send notifications to Slack about Capistrano deployments. |
2,875 | 3,279 | rails-reverse-proxy | Reverse proxy for Ruby on Rails |
2,875 | 3,279 | statesman | A statesman-like state machine library |
2,877 | 3,277 | resque_spec | RSpec matchers for Resque |
2,878 | 3,272 | ruby_smb | A pure Ruby implementation of the SMB Protocol Family |
2,879 | 3,269 | mini_exiftool | This library is a wrapper for the ExifTool command-line application (https://exiftool.o... |
2,880 | 3,264 | prawn-icon | Prawn::Icon provides various icon fonts including FontAwesome, PaymentFont and Foundati... |