Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2861-2880 of all 184,353 gems.
2,8613,331sql_spyA gem to track all SQL queries performed inside a block of code
2,8623,330ci_reporter_rspecConnects CI::Reporter to RSpec
2,8633,326reform-railsAutomatically load and include all common Reform features for a standard Rails environm...
2,8643,315scimitarSCIM v2 support for Users and Groups in Ruby On Rails
2,8653,306rubystatsRuby Stats is a port of the statistics libraries from PHPMath. Probability distribution...
2,8663,302syntax_tree-rbsSyntax Tree support for RBS
2,8673,300after_commit_actionUse this module to defer actions to the after-commit hook. This is useful if you want t...
2,8683,293inspec-coreInSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i...
2,8693,291logstash-output-opensearchThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
2,8703,290coveralls_rebornA Ruby implementation of the Coveralls API.
2,8703,290codecovHosted code coverage Ruby reporter.
2,8723,286fixturyTreat fixtures like factories and factories like fixtures
2,8723,286sql_enumEnable using native sql enums
2,8743,281slackistranoSend notifications to Slack about Capistrano deployments.
2,8753,279rails-reverse-proxyReverse proxy for Ruby on Rails
2,8753,279statesmanA statesman-like state machine library
2,8773,277resque_specRSpec matchers for Resque
2,8783,272ruby_smbA pure Ruby implementation of the SMB Protocol Family
2,8793,269mini_exiftoolThis library is a wrapper for the ExifTool command-line application (https://exiftool.o...
2,8803,264prawn-iconPrawn::Icon provides various icon fonts including FontAwesome, PaymentFont and Foundati...