Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2881-2900 of all 183,690 gems.
2,8812,504string-similarity== Description This gem provides some methods for calculating similarities of two stri...
2,8822,501etcProvides access to information typically stored in UNIX /etc directory.
2,8832,500jekyll-assetsA drop-in Jekyll Plugin that provides an asset pipeline for JavaScript, CSS, SASS, SCSS...
2,8832,500hash-deep-mergeThis gem add the "deep merge" feature to class Hash. It means that if you want to merge...
2,8852,497compass-railsIntegrate Compass into Rails 3.0 and up.
2,8862,491json_api_clientBuild client libraries compliant with specification defined by jsonapi.org
2,8862,491graphwerkVisualise dependencies between your application and it's Packwerk packages using Graphviz.
2,8882,487arproxyArproxy is a proxy between ActiveRecord and database adapter
2,8882,487fastlane-plugin-doccAutomate docc - documentation for swift frameworks and packages
2,8902,486sprockets-sassWhen using Sprockets 2.0 with Sass you will eventually run into a pretty big issue. `//...
2,8912,485fnvfnv1 and fnv1a hash functions in pure ruby
2,8922,482workosAPI client for WorkOS
2,8932,481memo_wiseThe wise choice for Ruby memoization
2,8942,479google-cloud-trace-v1The Cloud Trace API lets you send and retrieve latency data to and from Cloud Trace. Th...
2,8952,472httmultipartyHTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.
2,8962,470fog-xenserverModule for the 'fog' gem to support XENSERVER.
2,8972,463sidekiq-worker-killerSidekiq worker killer
2,8972,463powerbarThe last progressbar-library you'll ever need
2,8992,460google-apis-analyticsreporting_v4This is the simple REST client for Analytics Reporting API V4. Simple REST clients are ...
2,9002,459fcmpushFirebase Cloud Messaging API wrapper for ruby, supports HTTP v1. And including access_t...