Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3681-3700 of all 184,353 gems.
3,6811,619digest-murmurhashdigest-murmurhash is class collections of use algorithm MurmurHash desiged by Austin Ap...
3,6821,618generator_specTest Rails generators with RSpec
3,6831,615rails_sortablerails_sortable provides easy drag & drop sorting for rails 4 and 5.
3,6841,614oj_serializersoj_serializers leverages the performance of the oj JSON serialization library, and mini...
3,6841,614loofah-activerecord+loofah-activerecord+ extends +loofah+'s HTML sanitization into Rails ActiveRecord mode...
3,6841,614mandrill_mailerTransactional Mailer for Mandrill
3,6871,612mailboxerA Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
3,6881,609fantaskspecMakes it easy to test your Rake tasks with RSpec.
3,6881,609puppeteer-rubyA ruby port of puppeteer
3,6901,608capybara-screenshot-diffSave screen shots and track changes with graphical diff
3,6911,605cash-addrLibrary to convert between base58 and CashAddr BCH addresses
3,6921,604fog-dnsimpleThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...
3,6931,603paperclip-gcsExtends Paperclip with Google Cloud Storage
3,6941,601debugger-ruby_core_sourceProvide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them.
3,6951,600xero-rubyXero API OAuth2.0 SDK - Ruby Gem
3,6961,598classy_hashClassy Hash is a schema validator for Ruby Hashes. You provide a simple schema Has...
3,6961,598activeresource-responseThis gem adds possibility to access http response object from result of ActiveResource:...
3,6981,596sendgridThis gem allows simple integration between ActionMailer and SendGrid. ...
3,6981,596bootstrap-emailBootstrap 5+ stylesheet, compiler, and inliner for responsive and consistent emails wit...
3,7001,595jekyll-mentions@mention support for your Jekyll site