Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3741-3760 of all 183,695 gems.
3,739733fhir_dstu2_modelsA Gem for handling FHIR DSTU2 models in ruby
3,742732logstash-output-cloudwatchThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
3,742732logstash-input-sqsThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
3,742732salesforce_bulk_apiSalesforce Bulk API with governor limits taken care of
3,742732transaction_isolationSet transaction isolation level in the ActiveRecord in a database agnostic way. Works w...
3,746731rack-iframeRack middleware for enabling problematic web browsers (Internet Explorer and Safari) to...
3,746731sensu-plugins-sensuThis plugin provides monitoring and metrics for Sensu.
3,748730safe-pg-migrationsMake your PG migrations safe.
3,748730backticksCaptures stdout, stderr and (optionally) stdin; uses PTY to avoid buffering.
3,748730klaviyo-api-sdkRuby wrapper for the Klaviyo API
3,751729fog-digitaloceanDigitalOcean fog provider gem
3,752727carrierwave-bombshelterProtect your carrierwave from image bombs
3,752727eu_central_bankThis gem reads exchange rates from the european central bank website. It uses it to cal...
3,754726spring-commands-parallel-testsparallel_tests commands for spring
3,754726bumpBump your gem version file
3,756725shopify_appThis gem is used to get quickly started with the Shopify API
3,757724grpc_mockLibrary for stubbing grpc in Ruby
3,757724scout_apm_loggingSets up log monitoring for Scout APM Ruby clients.
3,759723exponent-server-sdkExponent Server SDK
3,760722devise-authyAuthy plugin to add two factor authentication to Devise. This gem is deprecated, please...