Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3701-3720 of all 184,353 gems.
3,7011,594cheffishA set of Chef resources for configuring Chef Infra.
3,7021,593metasmMetasm is a cross-architecture assembler, disassembler, linker, and debugger.
3,7021,593serviceworker-railsIntegrates ServiceWorker into the Rails asset pipeline.
3,7021,593resque-workers-lockA Resque plugin. Two or more jobs with the same lock cannot be processed simultaneously...
3,7051,591epsMachine learning for Ruby. Supports regression (linear regression) and classification (...
3,7061,590iso639ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 lookups by name, alpha-2 code, or alpha-3 code
3,7061,590simple_segmentSimpleSegment allows for manual control of when and how the events are sent to Segment.
3,7081,589gem-licensesAttempts to figure out what licenses various gems use.
3,7091,586sidekiq-statisticSee statistic about your workers (GSoC project)
3,7091,586standardrbAlias for the standard gem, which has a standardrb binary
3,7091,586xml-objectXMLObject is a library for reading (not writing) XML. It is particularly suited for cas...
3,7121,585mailgun_railsAn adapter for using Mailgun with Rails and Action Mailer
3,7131,584d2l-valence["A", "Ruby", "client", "for", "Desire2Learn's", "Valence", "Learning", "Framework", "A...
3,7141,583async-serviceA service layer for Async.
3,7141,583materialize-sassA modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design. https://materializecs...
3,7161,581search_objectSearch object DSL
3,7171,579fastlane-plugin-propertiesAdds 4 actions to fastlane to read and update properties files.
3,7181,578rbs_railsA RBS files generator for Rails application
3,7191,572rex-coreCore libraries required for the Ruby Exploitation (Rex) Suite. Rex provides a varie...
3,7201,571autoparseAn implementation of the JSON Schema specification. Provides automatic parsing for any ...