Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3801-3820 of all 183,695 gems.
3,801699http_loggerThis gem keep an eye on every Net::HTTP library usage and dump all request and response...
3,801699fluent-plugin-sumologic_outputOutput plugin to SumoLogic HTTP Endpoint
3,801699carrierwave_directProcess your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3
3,805698rspec-sqlimitRSpec matcher to control SQL queries made by block of code
3,805698hanami-controllerComplete, fast and testable actions for Rack
3,805698guard-railsRestart Rails when things change in your app
3,805698remote_syslogLightweight daemon to tail one or more log files and transmit UDP syslog messages to a ...
3,809697necromancerConversion from one object type to another with a bit of black magic.
3,809697string_patternEasily generate strings supplying a very simple pattern. '10-20:Xn/x/'.generate #>qBstv...
3,809697fog-internet-archiveModule for the 'fog' gem to support Internet Archive.
3,809697devdevelopment tasks
3,809697puppet-lint-param-typesA new check for puppet-lint that validates that all parameters are typed.
3,809697double-bag-ftpsProvides a child class of Net::FTP to support implicit and explicit FTPS.
3,815696danger-jiraA Danger plugin to link JIRA issues to a pull request.
3,815696puppet-lint-optional_default-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that Optional class/defined type parameters don't default...
3,817695google-styleShared style guide for Google's ruby projects
3,818693wash_outDead simple Rails 3 SOAP server library
3,818693authzedAuthzed is the best way to build robust and scalable permissions systems. See https://a...
3,818693jquery_mask_railsA Rails version of jQuery Mask Plugin that make masks on form fields and HTML elements ...