Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3961-3980 of all 183,707 gems.
3,952234vnctoolsSimple CLI wrappers to control and record VNC displays from Ruby.
3,962233google-apis-dialogflow_v3beta1This is the simple REST client for Dialogflow API V3beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby...
3,962233gstreamerRuby/GStreamer is a Ruby binding for GStreamer.
3,962233launchdarkly_api_helperLaunchDarklyApiHelper provides you a way to access your Launch Darkly account using API...
3,962233hotwire-railsHTML over the wire.
3,962233svg_optimizerSVG optimization based on Node's SVGO
3,962233generator_specTest Rails generators with RSpec
3,968232sendgrid-actionmailerUse ActionMailer with SendGrid's Web API.
3,968232minitest-autotestautotest is a continous testing facility meant to be used during development. As soon a...
3,968232d2l-valence["A", "Ruby", "client", "for", "Desire2Learn's", "Valence", "Learning", "Framework", "A...
3,968232structured_warningsThis is an implementation of Daniel Berger's proposal of structured warnings for Ruby.
3,968232activerecord5-redshift-adapterAmazon Redshift _makeshift_ adapter for ActiveRecord 5.
3,968232capistrano3-unicornUnicorn specific Capistrano tasks
3,968232selenium_webdriver_helperWrite a longer description or delete this line.
3,975231activerecord-mysql-reconnectIt is the library to reconnect automatically when ActiveRecord is disconnected from MySQL.
3,975231axlsx_stylerBuild clean and maintainable styles for your axlsx spreadsheets. Build your spreadsheee...
3,975231canonical-railsConfigurable, but assumes a conservative strategy by default with a goal to solve many ...
3,978230htmltowordConvert html to word docx document.
3,978230city-stateUseful to make forms and validations. It uses MaxMind database.
3,978230prop_initializerPropInitializer provides an easy way to define properties for Ruby classes with options...