Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4041-4060 of all 183,707 gems.
4,037216teaspoon-mochaRun Mocha specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Capyb...
4,037216rtesseractRuby library for working with the Tesseract OCR.
4,043215io-nonblockEnables non-blocking mode with IO class
4,043215role_modelEver needed to assign roles to a model, say a User, and build conditional behaviour on ...
4,043215playbook_uiPlaybook UI is built out in Ruby View Components and React Components. Playbook takes a...
4,043215show_me_the_cookiesCookie manipulation for Capybara drivers -- viewing, deleting, ...
4,043215cronitorAn interface for the Cronitor API
4,043215rspec-validator_spec_helperProvide dummy class for validator spec
4,043215fastlane-plugin-bugsnagUploads dSYM files to Bugsnag
4,043215datadog-lambdadatadog-lambda is Datadog's AWS Lambda integration for ruby. It is used to perform dist...
4,043215ziplinea module for streaming dynamically generated zip files
4,052214shortuuidQuickly and easily convert UUIDs to space efficient Base62 strings.
4,052214google-cloud-trace-v1The Cloud Trace API lets you send and retrieve latency data to and from Cloud Trace. Th...
4,052214active_medianMedian and percentile for Active Record, Mongoid, arrays, and hashes
4,052214extlibSupport library for Merb
4,052214ioneReactive programming framework for Ruby, painless evented IO, futures and an efficient ...
4,057213red-colorsRed Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This includes con...
4,057213logstash-output-lokiOutput plugin to ship logs to a Grafana Loki server
4,057213ruby_event_store-active_recordPersistent event repository implementation for RubyEventStore based on ActiveRecord. Sh...
4,057213classy_hashClassy Hash is a schema validator for Ruby Hashes. You provide a simple schema Has...