Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3981-4000 of all 183,707 gems.
3,978230webshims-railsMakes it simple to include the webshims js library (by Alexander Farkas) in the Rails a...
3,982229gio2Ruby/GIO2 provide Ruby binding to a VFS API and useful APIs for desktop applications (s...
3,982229sha3A XKCP based native (C) binding to SHA3 (FIPS 202) cryptographic hashing algorithm.
3,982229jazzySoulful docs for Swift & Objective-C. Run in your SPM or Xcode project's root directory...
3,982229hotwire-livereloadAutomatically reload Hotwire Turbo when app files are modified.
3,982229right_http_connectionRightscale::HttpConnection is a robust HTTP/S library. It implements a retry algorithm...
3,987228resque-poolquickly and easily fork a pool of resque workers, saving memory (w/REE) and monitor...
3,987228right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
3,987228businessDate calculations based on business calendars
3,987228omniauth-azure-oauth2An Windows Azure Active Directory OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
3,987228logstash-output-google_bigqueryThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
3,992227carmen-demonymsAdd demonyms to Carmen::Country
3,992227bcp47_specA subset of the BCP 47 spec.
3,992227jekyll-composeStreamline your writing in Jekyll with these commands.
3,992227ssl_requirementSSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions should only b...
3,992227ecoRuby Eco is a bridge to the official JavaScript Eco compiler.
3,992227logstash-output-datadogThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
3,998226yaml-safe_load_stream3The Ruby standard library defines YAML.safe_load and YAML.load_stream but there's no wa...
3,998226heap-profilerMake several heap dumps and summarize allocated, retained memory
3,998226after_partyAutomated post-deploy tasks for Ruby/Rails. Your deployment is the party. This is the a...