Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4741-4760 of all 183,722 gems.
4,740673fluent-plugin-serialize-nested-jsonParser plugin that serializes nested JSON attributes
4,742672character_enumeratorRuby enumerator that converts integers to character representation(Like in Microsoft Ex...
4,742672rubocop-require_toolsAvailable Cops in this extension: - MissingRequireStatement: Missing require stateme...
4,742672hotwire_comboboxAn accessible autocomplete for Ruby on Rails apps using Hotwire.
4,742672good_migrationsReferencing code in app/ from a database migration risks breaking the migration when yo...
4,746671rails_dbQuick way to inspect your Rails database, see content of tables, filter, export them to...
4,746671goodcheckGoodcheck is a regexp based linter that allows you to define custom rules in a YAML file.
4,748670bandwidth-sdkThe official client SDK for Bandwidth's Voice, Messaging, MFA, and WebRTC APIs
4,748670json-minifyPre-parser for JSON that removes C/C++ style comments and whitespace from formatted JSO...
4,750669nanocNanoc is a static-site generator focused on flexibility. It transforms content from a f...
4,751668microsoft_kiota_faradayKiota HttpCore implementation with Faraday
4,751668rodauthRodauth is Ruby's most advanced authentication framework, designed to work in all rack ...
4,751668lookseeSupercharged method introspection in IRB.
4,751668readlineThis is just a loader for "readline". If Ruby has the "readline-ext" gem that is a nati...
4,751668pact-messageConsumer contract library for messages
4,756667lightgbmHigh performance gradient boosting for Ruby
4,756667merge_hris_clientThe unified API for building rich integrations with multiple HR Information System plat...
4,756667bounded_contextGenerate opinionated component structure.
4,759666azure-storage-tableMicrosoft Azure Storage Table Client Library for Ruby
4,759666vuejs-railsA simple asset-pipeline wrapper for vue.js by Evan You