Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4761-4780 of all 183,722 gems.
4,759666worker_scoreboarda scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
4,762665markdown-tablesUtilities for creating and displaying Markdown tables in Ruby
4,762665requestsBecause Requests for Python is awesome
4,764664google-apis-playintegrity_v1This is the simple REST client for Google Play Integrity API V1. Simple REST clients ar...
4,764664mrmlRuby wrapper for MRML, the MJML parser implementation in Rust.
4,766663web_translate_itA Command Line Interface tool to push and pull language files to WebTranslateIt.com.
4,766663u-attributesThis gem allows you to define "immutable" objects, when using it your objects will only...
4,768662microsoft_kiota_serialization_jsonImplementation of Kiota Serialization interfaces for JSON
4,768662gmoRuby client library for the GMO Payment Platform.
4,768662validatorActiveModel validations for domains (including TLDs), ip addresses and email addresses ...
4,771661delayed-methodAllow you to quickly move a long call to background which then executed by resque
4,771661nexmo-jwtNexmo JWT Generator for Ruby
4,773660monotonic_tick_countPORO to hold a monotonic tick count. Useful for measuring time differences.
4,773660mandrill-railsRails integration for Mandrill
4,775659u-caseRepresent use cases in a simple and powerful way while writing modular, expressive and ...
4,775659alphabetical_paginateAlphabetical Pagination
4,775659fluent-mixin-rewrite-tag-nameFluentd mixin plugin to provides placeholder function for rewriting tag for your any pl...
4,775659webvttWEBVTT file parser in Ruby
4,775659opus-rubyRuby FFI Gem for the OPUS Audio Codec
4,780658govuk_markdownConvert Markdown into GOV.UK styled HTML