Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4801-4820 of all 184,353 gems.
4,801788google-cloud-dnsgoogle-cloud-dns is the official library for Google Cloud DNS.
4,801788sprockets_uglifier_with_source_mapssprockets_uglifier_with_source_maps creates source maps for your javascript assets alon...
4,803787sidekiq-datadogDatadog metrics for sidekiq
4,803787bandwidth-sdkThe official client SDK for Bandwidth's Voice, Messaging, MFA, and WebRTC APIs
4,805786bootbox-railsWrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Twitter's b...
4,805786rserve-clientRuby client for Rserve, a Binary R server (http://www.rforge.net/Rserve/).
4,807785rudder_analytics_syncRudder is a platform for collecting, storing and routing customer event data to dozens ...
4,807785azure_graph_rbacMicrosoft Azure Active Directory Graph Rbac Client Library for Ruby
4,809784redis-queueAdds Redis::Queue class which can be used as Distributed-Queue based on Redis. Redi...
4,809784relaton-bibRelatonBib: Ruby XMLDOC impementation.
4,811782slack-ruby-bot-server-eventsSlack commands, interactive buttons, and events extension for slack-ruby-bot-server.
4,812780fastlane-plugin-swiftformatRun swift code formatting using SwiftFormat
4,812780rack-tracerRack OpenTracing middleware
4,812780rack-json_schemaJSON Schema based Rack middlewares
4,815779rspec-activejobRSpec matchers for ActiveJob: * expect { method }.to enqueue_a(MyJob).with(global_i...
4,815779pseudolocalizationInternationalization development tool to help identify missing translations
4,815779health-monitor-railsHealth monitoring Rails plug-in, which checks various services (db, cache, sidekiq, red...
4,818778json2tableThis gem provides functionality to convert a JSON object into HTML table. It can hand...
4,819776onesky-rubyRuby wrapper for OneSky API
4,819776govuk-componentsThis library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...