Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4861-4880 of all 184,353 gems.
4,858761xorcistBlazing-fast-cross-platform-monkey-patch-free string XOR. Yes, that means JRuby too.
4,862758telnyxTelnyx enables anyone to deliver enterprise-grade real-time communications over the int...
4,862758aws-ssm-envSet parameters acquired from AWS EC2 Parameter Store as environment variables.
4,862758popen4POpen4 provides the Rubyist a single API across platforms for executing a command in a ...
4,862758middleman-sprocketsSprockets support for Middleman
4,862758padrino-coreThe Padrino core gem required for use of this framework
4,867757owlcarousel-railsOwl Carousel. Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive car...
4,869756render_parentAdds Rails "render :parent" helper, which renders template with the same name as curren...
4,869756daybreakIncredibly fast pure-ruby key-value store
4,869756validates_lengths_from_databaseIntrospects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...
4,872755rspec-terraspaceTerraspace RSpec support
4,873754fastlane-plugin-update_android_stringsUpdate Android res strings.xml
4,874753fig_leafFigLeaf enables us to selectively make public methods inherited from other classes and ...
4,874753rack-iframeRack middleware for enabling problematic web browsers (Internet Explorer and Safari) to...
4,874753parameter_substitutionThe substitution can be formatted using a syntax that looks like method calls
4,877751rspec-xlsx_matchersRSpec Xlsx matchers
4,877751restRest client wrapper that chooses best installed client.
4,877751exceptional_synchronyExtensions to EventMachine/Synchrony to work well with exceptions
4,877751large_text_fieldLarge text fields are kept in a central table, and polymorphically associated with your...