Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4861-4880 of all 183,729 gems.
4,860811auto-session-timeoutAutomatic session timeout in Rails
4,862810hrr_rb_sshPure Ruby SSH 2.0 server and client implementation
4,862810globalSimple way to load your configs from yaml/aws/gcp
4,864809jumphashJump consistent hash implementation for Ruby
4,865808auto_incrementAutomaticaly increments an ActiveRecord column
4,866807ringcentral-sdkRuby SDK for you to access RingCentral platform API.
4,866807activegraphA Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.
4,866807sqidsGenerate YouTube-like ids from numbers.
4,869806tencentcloud-sdk-cfgTencent Cloud Ruby SDK is the official software development kit, which allows Ruby deve...
4,869806faraday_curlPrints CURL compatible commands for the HTTP requests you're making
4,869806firebase_token_generatorA library for generating signed authentication tokens for use with Firebase. Uses your ...
4,872805url_escapeFast replacement for CGI.escape and Rack::Utils.escape
4,872805erb-formatterFormat ERB files with speed and precision.
4,872805devise-doorkeeperSupport authentication via OAuth2 tokens dispensed from the Doorkeeper authorization flow
4,875804pluck_allPluck multiple columns/attributes and return array of hashes. Support Rails 3, 4, 5. If...
4,876803rack_fast_escapeThe Rack Fast Escape library, by The Rubyists, LLC
4,876803logtailQuery logs like you query your database. https://logs.betterstack.com/
4,876803filewatcherDetect changes in file system. Works anywhere.
4,876803telegram-botLibrary for building Telegram Bots with Rails integration
4,876803mandrill-railsRails integration for Mandrill