Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4901-4920 of all 183,729 gems.
4,899798parameter_substitutionThe substitution can be formatted using a syntax that looks like method calls
4,899798routing-filterRouting filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
4,903797fluent-plugin-record_splitteroutput split array plugin for fluentd
4,903797logfmtParse log lines in the logfmt style.
4,905796tapptap { pp self }
4,905796hcl-checkerHashicorp Configuration Language parser and checker for Ruby
4,905796slack-ruby-block-kitA ruby wrapper for Slack's Block Kit
4,905796tencentcloud-sdk-carTencent Cloud Ruby SDK is the official software development kit, which allows Ruby deve...
4,909795send_with_usSendWithUs.com Ruby Client
4,909795flipflopDeclarative API for specifying features, switchable in declaration, database and cookies.
4,909795rex-random_identifierRuby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating Random identifier strings
4,909795azure-blobAzure Blob client and Active Storage adapter
4,909795contentful-managementRuby client for the https://www.contentful.com Content Management API
4,914794rex-javaRuby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing Java serialized streams.
4,914794rakismetRakismet is the easiest way to integrate Akismet or TypePad's AntiSpam into your Rails ...
4,916793after_doafter_do is a gem that let's you execute a block of your choice after or before a speci...
4,916793rex-archThis library contains architecture specific information such as registers, opcodes, and...
4,916793rserve-clientRuby client for Rserve, a Binary R server (http://www.rforge.net/Rserve/).
4,916793sem_versionSemantic Version parsing, comparison, and constraint checking utility (e.g. ~> 1.2),...
4,920792padrino-coreThe Padrino core gem required for use of this framework