Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4981-5000 of all 184,353 gems.
4,981712bzip2-ffiBzip2::FFI is a Ruby wrapper for libbz2 using FFI bindings. The Bzip2::FFI Reader ...
4,981712google-apis-analyticsdata_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Google Analytics Data API V1beta. Simple REST client...
4,981712lokalise_managerThis gem contains a collection of some common tasks for Lokalise. Specifically, it allo...
4,981712spreadsheet_architectSpreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsh...
4,981712rodauth-omniauthRodauth extension for logging in and creating account via OmniAuth authentication.
4,981712aws-healthcheckMounts a Rack app at /healthcheck that returns a 200 for AWS load balancers
4,987711bootstrap4-datetime-picker-railsRails integration for Tempus Dominus Bootstrap 4 datetime picker
4,987711rubypeRuby with type.
4,989710zxcvbn-jsRuby port of Dropboxs zxcvbn.js
4,989710dragonfly_svgDragonfly analyser and processor for SVGs.
4,989710administrate-field-belongs_to_searchAdd support to search through (potentially large) belongs_to associations in your Admin...
4,989710webdriver-highlighterAutomatically highlight used elements in Selenium-WebDriver
4,993709libnotifyRuby bindings for libnotify using FFI
4,994708gindexInstant concurrent indexes for Rails
4,994708strings-truncationTruncate strings with fullwidth characters and ANSI codes. Characters can be omitted fr...
4,996707columns_on_demandLazily loads large columns on demand. By default, does this for all TEXT (:text) and B...
4,997706send_with_usSendWithUs.com Ruby Client
4,997706azure_mgmt_subscriptionsMicrosoft Azure Subscription Management Client Library for Ruby
4,997706gdaAn SQL parser. Wraps libgda in a loving embrace to give you a ruby level SQL parser.
4,997706minitest-test_profileShow slow test as rspec profile options.