Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5101-5120 of all 184,353 gems.
5,098668embulk-output-s3Stores files on S3.
5,102667net_tcp_clientNet::TCPClient implements resilience features that many developers wish was already inc...
5,103666trailblazer-testAssertions, matchers, and helpers to test Trailblazer code.
5,103666codeclimate-engine-rbJSON issue formatter for the Code Climate engine
5,105665consulkitRuby toolkit for the Consul API
5,105665hightopA nice shortcut for group count queries
5,105665httpauthLibrary for the HTTP Authentication protocol (RFC 2617)
5,108664google-cloud-redis-v1Creates and manages Redis instances on the Google Cloud Platform. Note that google-clou...
5,108664detect_timezone_railsSimple javascript timezone detection
5,108664activerecord-diffSimple ActiveRecord diff functionality
5,111663galaGiven an (encrypted) Apple Pay token, verify and decrypt it
5,111663filestack-railsAllows easy integraiton of Filestack's File Picker through dynamic button tags and form...
5,111663sequel-paranoidUse this plugin to mark a model instance as deleted without losing its actual data.
5,114662docraptorA native client library for the DocRaptor HTML to PDF/XLS service.
5,114662activejob-statusMonitor your jobs
5,116661avProgrammable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav
5,116661fastlane-plugin-patchApply and revert pattern-based patches to any text file.
5,116661activerecord_cursor_paginateCursor-based pagination for ActiveRecord.
5,119660google-cloud-redis-v1beta1Creates and manages Redis instances on the Google Cloud Platform. Note that google-clou...
5,120659benchmark-ipsaBenchmark IPS with allocations