Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5021-5040 of all 183,729 gems.
5,018757net-ssh-krbExtends Net::SSH by adding Kerberos authentication capability for password-less logins ...
5,022756rubocop-discourseCustom rubocop cops used by Discourse
5,022756legatoAccess the Google Analytics Core Reporting and Management APIs with Ruby. Create models...
5,022756rex-exploitationThis gem contains various helper mechanisms for creating exploits. ...
5,022756knifeThe knife CLI for Chef Infra.
5,026755geo_pointAllows for easy parsing of Strings, Hashes and Arrays into a GeoPoint with lat/long
5,026755pickleEasy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
5,026755tencentcloud-sdk-ciamTencent Cloud Ruby SDK is the official software development kit, which allows Ruby deve...
5,026755em-http-serverSimple http server for eventmachine
5,026755rspec-any_ofHTML equivalence RSpec matcher
5,031754params-registry# `Params::Registry`: A registry for named parameters
5,031754soundexGet American soundex of an word
5,031754base62-rbFast Base62 encoding and decoding in Ruby
5,034753cronofySDK for Cronofy - the Scheduling Platform for Business
5,034753middleman-sprocketsSprockets support for Middleman
5,034753metasploit-credentialThe Metasploit::Credential namespace and its ActiveRecord::Base subclasses
5,037752romPersistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby
5,037752aarch64Tired of writing Ruby in Ruby? Now you can write ARM64 assembly in Ruby!
5,037752logging-railsA Railtie for for integrating the [Logging](https://github.com/TwP/logging) framework i...
5,037752graphql_playground-railsGraphQL Playground provides a UI similar to GraphiQL with more features