Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5021-5040 of all 184,353 gems.
5,019697tilt-jbuilderJbuilder support for Tilt
5,022696libmfLarge-scale sparse matrix factorization for Ruby
5,022696reentrant_flockA reentrant/recursive flock.
5,022696rdbgThis gem is only for namespace to install debug.gem (rdbg command)
5,022696social-share-buttonHelper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban...
5,022696danger-slackNotify danger reports to slack.
5,022696ae_page_objectsCapybara Page Objects pattern.
5,028695bootstrap-sass-extrasbootstrap-sass extras.
5,029694leLogentries plugin
5,029694aws-sdk-ssoOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Single Sign-On (SSO). SSO is included as part of aws-sdk-...
5,029694rack-heartbeatprovides a simple endpoint for your rails app for a heartbeat client to connect to
5,029694levenshtein-ffiProvides a fast, cross-Ruby implementation of the levenshtein distance algorithm.
5,029694rails_email_previewA Rails Engine to preview plain text and html email in your browser
5,034693hrr_rb_sshPure Ruby SSH 2.0 server and client implementation
5,034693activerecord-dynamic_timeoutActiveRecord extension for dynamically setting connection timeouts
5,034693dataloaderA data loading utility to batch loading of promises. It can be used with graphql gem.
5,034693cloudflareA Ruby wrapper for the Cloudflare API.
5,034693ghmulti-layer client for the github api v3
5,034693active_dataMaking object from any hash or hash array
5,040692datagridThe library allows you to easily build datagrid aka data tables with sortable columns a...