Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5081-5100 of all 183,729 gems.
5,080739ammeterWrite specs for your Rails 3+ generators
5,082738sensu-plugins-snmpThis plugin provides native SNMP instrumentation for moni...
5,082738google-styleShared style guide for Google's ruby projects
5,082738color_conversionConvert colors to hex/rgb/hsv
5,085737delegateProvides three abilities to delegate method calls to an object.
5,086736red-paletteRed Palette provides features for dealing with palette.
5,087735versioncakeRender versioned views automagically based on the clients requested version.
5,087735minaBlazing fast application deployment tool.
5,089734fluent-plugin-windows-eventlogFluentd Input plugin to read windows event log.
5,089734appbundle-updaterUpdates appbundled apps in Chef's omnibus packages
5,089734httppartyAlias gem for httparty
5,089734soap4r-ngSoap4R NextGen (as maintained by RubyJedi) for Ruby 1.8 thru 2.1 and beyond
5,093733hightopA nice shortcut for group count queries
5,093733cloudfront-railsWhitelist Cloudfront Proxies for Rails so that request.ip and request.remote_ip work pr...
5,093733validates_lengths_from_databaseIntrospects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...
5,096732tencentcloud-sdk-dataintegrationTencent Cloud Ruby SDK is the official software development kit, which allows Ruby deve...
5,096732social-share-buttonHelper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban...
5,098731yarpPrism Ruby parser
5,098731hotwire_comboboxAn accessible autocomplete for Ruby on Rails apps using Hotwire.
5,100730docker-composeProvides an OOP interface to docker-compose and facilitates container-to-host and host-...