Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5081-5100 of all 184,353 gems.
5,080675solidus_coreEssential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.
5,080675capistrano-maintenanceMaintenance Support for Capistrano 3
5,080675ae_fast_decimal_formatterEfficiently format decimal number.
5,080675newrelic-sidekiq-metricsImplements recording Sidekiq stats to New Relic metrics.
5,085674pattern_patchThis is a utility gem that identifies positions in any text using regular expressions a...
5,085674facebook-messengerFacebook Messenger client
5,085674iterable-api-clientRuby gem for the Iterable REST API
5,085674fast_attributesFast attributes with data types
5,089673rubyzip-bzip2The rubyzip-bzip2 gem provides an extension of the rubyzip gem for reading zip files co...
5,090672unsplashRuby wrapper for the Unsplash API.
5,091671activesupport-inflectorOnly the Inflector part of ActiveRecord.
5,091671azure-storageMicrosoft Azure Storage Client Library for Ruby
5,091671danger-changelogA danger.systems plugin that is OCD about your CHANGELOG.
5,091671str_enumString enums for Rails
5,095670fluent-plugin-statsdfluentd output plugin to send metrics to Esty StatsD monitor
5,095670openvas-ompCommunicate with OpenVAS manager through OMP. This library is used for communication w...
5,097669b3bmBase62 for Ruby.
5,098668capybara-mechanizeRackTest driver for Capybara, but with remote request support thanks to mechanize
5,098668bootstrap-multiselect-railsAdd Bootstrap Multiselect v0.9.9 to your rails app. See https://github.com/davidstutz/b...
5,098668nexmo-jwtNexmo JWT Generator for Ruby