Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5361-5380 of all 184,353 gems.
5,355579solidserviceService object with a simple API
5,355579colorableA simple color handler which provide a conversion between colorname, RGB, HSB and HEX
5,363578hanmotoHanmoto provides a simple way to manage public pages with Asset Pipeline.
5,363578fedexProvides an interface to Fedex Web Services
5,363578websocket-nativeNative Extension for WebSocket gem
5,363578shinqWorker and enqueuer for Q4M using the interface of ActiveJob.
5,363578work_queueA tunable work queue, designed to coordinate work between a producer and a pool of work...
5,363578capistrano-rakeRun any rake task on a remote server using Capistrano
5,369577litecableFat-free ActionCable implementation for using with AnyCable (and without Rails)
5,369577capistrano-lazy_cleanupThis gem makes deployment faster by offloading cleanup I/O for Capistrano 3.x (and 3.x ...
5,369577pact-consumer-minitestProvides Minitest support for the Pact Consumer gem
5,369577sugar-highMore Ruby sugar - inspired by the 'zuker' project
5,369577pxegerRandom String generator from regular expression
5,374576guard-hologramGuard plugin for the Hologram gem (https://github.com/trulia/hologram)
5,374576metasploit-modelCommon code, such as validators and mixins, that are shared between ActiveModels in met...
5,376575docopt_ngParse command line arguments from nothing more than a usage message
5,376575tipalti-rubyAccess the Tipalti REST API via OAuth2.
5,376575anycable-rails-jwtAnyCable Rails helpers for JWT-based authentication
5,379574namecaseNameCase is a Ruby implementation of `Lingua::EN::NameCase`, a library for converting s...
5,379574ziprubyRuby bindings for libzip.