Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142061-142080 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382rubocop-ipepeThis gem is a collection of RuboCop cops used by ipepe.
110,0382chznbaum_view_toolView specific methods that provide generated HTML data for Rails applications, such as ...
110,0382method_finderMethod_Finder is a clone for the MethodFinder functionality of Smaltalk.
110,0382eventmachine-with-ipv6EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
110,0382xcharts-railsAdd easily beautiful charts with xCharts into a Rails application
110,0382errolBased of the Sequel Library to deliver a repository interface to persisted data. Handle...
110,0382loose_leafA Rails gem for real-time collaboration using ActionCable
110,0382buildpack-packagerTool that packages your Cloud Foundry buildpacks based on a manifest
110,0382gem_exampleGem Description
110,0382sevgiToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
110,0382muraenaThe dangerous fish
110,0382jm81-achHelper for building ACH files in Ruby
110,0382easy_httpEasyHTTP 0.1.5 2012, Tomas J. Sahagun <[email protected]>
110,0382jmohr-blirBLIR is a bunch of random stuff I've collected over the years.
110,0382jnewland-scoped_searchScoped search makes it easy to search your ActiveRecord-based models. It will create a ...
110,0382librarian-puppet-lmco[Added proxy support.] Simplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatic...
110,0382functionPython-like functions.
110,0382wawkaHandful tool for generating bureaucracy shit xlses
110,0382urlkitUrlKit ruby screenshot generator
110,0382circuit-hiatusWrite a longer description or delete this line.