Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142101-142120 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772release_featureRelease feature in custom date range.
136,3772ar_lightningThis gem implements some of the ideas discussed in this post:http://brainspec.com/blog/...
136,3772fakesite-wechatA fakesite plugin that provides a stub method for wechat.
136,3772garenaGarena is a lightweight and simple theme for Jekyll.
136,3772embulk-output-trafodionDumps records to Trafodion.
136,3772secureloginSecureLogin helpers for Ruby
136,3772mks_rentThis is an engine which handles construction equipment rental and tracking
136,3772ros-coreBase controller, model, resource and policy classes; authentication with JWT, per reque...
136,3772simple_js_dataGem was written to support rails 4 as a replacement for Gon gem.
136,3772github-ssh-keys-forFind and print the SSH keys for any Github user.
136,3772twitter-friendsGem to help you find mututal twitter followers
136,3772classy_attributeProvies a simple way to wrap ActiveRecord attributes with feature rich domain objects.
136,3772AccessControlSimple role based authorization for rails
136,3772ehxceptionDeal with your exceptions, dummy.
136,3772admin_boundsCreate a table containing administrative bounds from OSM
136,3772eventbriteEventbrite rubygem for API v3.
136,3772coordsafe_apiA ruby wrapper for the Coordsafe locator API
136,3772remixrwrapper for the BestBuy Remix api
136,3772gem-cacheCache your path to speed up require time
136,3772minimlBuild a fast responsive website in minutes with miniml!