Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180481-180500 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250crux-env-path-fix.rbruby script to append, prepend, remove, remove by regexp and remove duplicate entries f...
68,6250cryx-g5kCollection of tools and libs for Grid5000 APIs.
68,6250ewoutvonk-ec2onrailsClient-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to EC2 on Rails se...
68,6250Fingertips-internetkassaA library to make online payments using ABN-AMRO (Dutch bank) Internetkassa.
68,6250fivepointssolutions-serveServe is a small Ruby script that makes it easy to start up a WEBrick server in any dir...
68,6250fiveruns-fiveruns-memcache-clientA Ruby-based memcached client library
68,6250FiXato-youtube-gAn object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData API
68,6250fixlr-browser_stakeoutLike RStakeout, but for watching static web content in multiple web browsers.
68,6250floorplanner-fmlFloor plan document toolkit
68,6250Floppy-currentcostdA system daemon for monitoring and publishing currentcost data
68,6250gf-SoksAnother Ruby Wiki. See http://www.soks.org for details
68,6250hashrocket-mongomapperAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo
68,6250hashrocket-mousetrapCheddarGetter API Client in Ruby
68,6250hexorx-rumblrRuby client for the Tumblr API
68,6250ingoweiss-resourceful_viewsResourcefulViews aims to take RESTful conventions beyond controllers and into views by ...
68,6250jayzes-akamai_purgerSimple gem for purging Akamai URLs
68,6250jaz303-site-skelGenerate skeleton web sites based on predefined layouts and variants. Support for stati...
68,6250jballanc-uss_monte_carloFlagship of the Monaco Navy
68,6250jbarnette-statefulMake your Ruby objects stately.
68,6250jbasdf-cms-liteCMS gem that makes it simple to interact with your content developers by serving pages ...