Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155161-155180 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250lita-timezoneLita handler to convert time between timezones
68,6250rack-transcribrI'm experimenting with creating Rack middleware gems. This lightweight gem servers as a...
68,6250static_mockDefine steps to execute and objects to dump for later mocking at the end of every step
68,6250logstash-input-intercomThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
68,6250sublime_text_formatterRSpec results formats file paths as links that can be opened by Sublime Text
68,6250twilio_recordingsUtility for downloading and joining recordings from Twilio.
68,6250phplistPhplist subscriber
68,6250nse1NSE (National Stock Exchange of India) equity stock data from www.nseindia.com. Origina...
68,6250optparse-rangeThis RubyGem allows standard bundled `OptionParser` to accept option arguments as `Rang...
68,6250hipchat2Ruby library to interact with HipChat
68,6250sfalmaSfalma is the Ruby gem for communicating with http://sfalma.com (hosted error tracking ...
68,6250roconvconvert string value to object of ruby
68,6250workflow-cliNo Description Yet
68,6250moneycConvert your currency with simple lib
68,6250tily.rbA simple map tile generator that divides huge images into classifed levels, with small ...
68,6250generic_searchSearch any data from database without writing any code.
68,6250replace_itMade to support any replace of strings on a document, to help you write less and do more
68,6250waveguideA fast serialization library for Ruby.
68,6250hipchat_smartCreate a hipchat bot that is smart and so easy to expand, create new bots on demand, ru...