Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180641-180660 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540charescUnicode based character escapes for Ruby; works with UTF-8 as well as Shift_JIS and EUC...
66,1540devise_touchpassableIntegrate Geodica TouchPass with Devise
66,1540futurechimp-sanitize_emailTest an application's email abilities without ever sending a message to actual live add...
66,1540rxcodeA Ruby interface for working with XCode projects.
66,1540bf3statsbf3stats.com api client
66,1540epn-apiRuby wrapper for the Environmental Paper Network API
66,1540redis-cf-pluginCreate & bind dedicated Redis to Cloud Foundry apps using Bosh
66,1540sarahImplements a hybrid data structure composed of a sequential array and random-access hash
66,1540sgpassSGPass uses a hash algorithm to transform a master password into unique, complex passwo...
66,1540bemurphy-google_plusLight wrapper for Google+ API, using HTTParty
66,1540omniauth-humanapiOmniAuth strategy for HumanAPI.
66,1540oxfordThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
66,1540oxmAn Object-XML-Mapper based on Nokogiri SAX parser
66,1540network_railProvides a Ruby wrapper for consuming Network Rail Data Feeds
66,1540fb_utilA quick utility class to work with the facebook graph api and misc facebook functions, ...
66,1540alef-railsthe Alef font bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline (http://alef.hagilda.com/)
66,1540redcar-filter-through-commandFilter Through Command - A Redcar Editor plugin which supports running the current line...
66,1540sojournSojourn tracks site visitors and sources, with the ability to recognise multiple source...
66,1540rabbitmq-jruby-clientA RabbitMQ client for JRuby
66,1540data_specRSpec & Cucumber for Data Examination