Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155241-155260 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700ricky-quoteprovides a simple endpoint for your rails app to deliver a fun set of quotes
38,9700mimetypesYou probably meant `gem install mime-types`.
38,9700iij-dagiij gio dag command line tool
38,9700cenit-collection-fooShared Collection cenit-collection-foo
38,9700mimetypesdataYou probably meant `gem install mime-types-data`.
38,9700sequelinhaA tool to facilitates the use of rails like config/database.yml and db/migrate/ directo...
38,9700extended_herHer is an ORM that maps REST resources and collections to Ruby objects
38,9700judit-pickleEasy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
38,9700LogSimpleLogSimple is a Ruby logging library
38,9700terc_parserNazwy województw, powiatów i gmin w jednym Hashu
38,9700chime-kafkaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700filetterFiletter is a pluggable tool for file system.
38,9700chime-targetingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700wufoo_partyRuby wrapper for Wufoo's REST API v3.
38,9700neilin-railssocial share on text highlight
38,9700nits_calcTrying to learn that how to make a gem.
38,9700planetroastPlanetroast is a collection of tools and resources that come in handy when developing w...
38,9700rails-dockerDocker generators for Rails
38,9700simple_form-dropdown_selectUsing the power of not-actually-a-select element, each option in this dropdown can have...