Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155941-155960 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380John-bucket_headGem to hit URI's and stick their contents on S3
69,2380frontsauFrontsau brings coffeescript, sass, less to any webapplication without big need of modi...
69,2380rbparserExperimental gem to parse Ruby code
69,2380JVCGetJVC Player suck balls! Using this you can either download the VIDEO (not recommended)or...
69,2380nec_mock_serverNEC helper gem to create Unit Test mock server of sub application
69,2380grape-forgery_protectionProtect your Grape API from forgery attacks like Rails.
69,2380shopify_flow_appThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
69,2380koduc_stripeKsStripe provides a platform to integrate Stripe payment gateway in Ruby on Rails Appli...
69,2380simple_etlAn easy-to-use toolkit to help you with ETL (Extract Transform Load) operations. Simple...
69,2380ykcitool基于fastlane的 iOS 打包工具.
69,2380thread-inheritable_attributesPasses thread variables to child spawned threads. Main use case is enabling logging in ...
69,2380mapon_clientRuby client library for mapon.com API
69,2380mcprefThe start of something deliciously unneeded.
69,2380humble_rpi-plugin-dhtsensorA Humble RPi plugin to read the ambient temperature and humidity from the DHT sensor.
69,2380smooth_schedulerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
69,2380owasp-td-jekyllOWASP Threat Dragon documentation theme.
69,2380publinatorEngine for publishing multiple sites from a centralized hub.
69,2380peatio-bitcoincashdBitcoincash Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::...
69,2380jekyll-archives-dir-categoryAutomatically generate post archives by dates, tags, and categories.
69,2380getyourvatCalculate VAT in your rails app.